Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 18 : Jack-Jack Attack (2005)

12/15/2015 02:54:00 PM

 Jack-Jack Attack (2005) 

        This short film shows Rick Dicker, a government agent assigned to aid "supers" in maintaining their anonymity, interrogating Kari about what happened when she was babysitting.
  Late in the afternoon of the next day, with shadows lengthening and sunlight reddening, the house is a shambles and Kari is on the verge of madness, desperately struggling to stay awake. She appears to have mastered anticipating Jack-Jack's abilities, spraying him with a fire extinguisher  when he ignites and reflecting laser beams out of his eyes with a mirror. Kari has laid other items close to hand including a garden hose from the back yard, the fireplace tongs, oven mitts, a butterfly net, some rope attached to a grappling hook, and a chainsaw . Eventually, Syndrome comes to the door, asking if this is the Parrs' house. Kari thinks he is the new babysitter come to relieve her, but wonders what the "S" on his costume stands for. He claims it stands for "Sitter", because if he called himself "Babysitter", his uniform would have to say "BS".

        As Dicker is incredulous that Kari believed Syndrome, Kari shouts that the baby was exploding while she was not in a sound state of mind at the time. Dicker asks Kari if she told anyone else about the event, to which she replies that she did tell her parents, who didn't believe her and thought she was joking. As Kari expresses her wish to forget the whole event, Dicker promises that she will as he activates a device to erase her memory.

to trailer : 

to watch full movie, visit : Jack-Jack Attack (2005) Movie [ share only ]

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