Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 22 : Boundin’ (2003)

Boundin’ (2003)

        The film features a SHEEP that lived in the American West whose elegant dancing is popular with the other animals. One day the sheep-shearers arrive and shear it for wool. Having lost his coat, the sheep becomes shy and loses the confidence to dance so elegantly. It is whilst in his bare state that a benevolent JACKALOPE comes across the little lamb and teaches him the merits of "bounding" rather than dancing (that is, getting up whenever you fall down).

        The sheep is converted and its joy in life is restored. The sheep's wool eventually grows back in the winter, only for it to be cut again, but his pride is now completely unshaken and he continues to "bound." It is also implied that the jackalope has helped other animals before the sheep.

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To watch full movie, visit : Boundin' (2003) Movie [Share only ]

Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 10 : The Blue Umbrella (2013)

The Blue Umbrella (2013) 

          A city scene is brought to life by a rainstorm. Many objects along the street – signs, lights, awnings , mailboxes, buildings, drains, drain pipes, rain gutters, windows – appear to come to life and develop faces and expressions of their own, enjoying the shower. People pass on the street under their umbrellas, all of which are seemly black, except for a singular blue umbrella. As his owner stops at a street corner, the blue umbrella sees a pretty red umbrella next to him. The two exchange nervous glances, and soon become smitten with each other, but their owners' paths diverge.

          Seeing this, the objects along the street begin to work with each other to bring the owners together. As the blue umbrella is about to be taken into the subway, a sign allows the wind to blow the umbrella from his owner's hands. The umbrella is floating through the air toward his destination when a sudden gust of wind caused by a passing bus veers him off course and he lands in the street. With the umbrella in danger from the traffic, the objects attempt to protect him from oncoming cars: a construction sign lights up to redirect an oncoming vehicle, a gurgling drain pipe spews water to push him out of the way, another construction sign falls on him to fling him away from another car, and a drain blasts him into the air, but he is hit by a truck, visibly upsetting the objects that have tried to help him.
Battered and bruised, the umbrella is found by his owner who straightens him out just as the owner of the red umbrella approaches, reuniting the two of them. The objects of the city silently celebrate their reunion as the umbrellas' owners sit down together at a local cafe, allowing the two umbrellas to be together after all.

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 to watch full movie, visit : The Blue Umbrella (2013) by trave Movie

Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 11 : Tin Toy (1988)

Tin Toy (1988) 

          The film takes place in one room and stars the toy of the title, a mechanical one-man bad  named Tinny, and a baby named Billy. At first, Tinny is delighted at the prospect of being played with by Billy until he sees how destructive he can be. Fleeing from Billy, who starts to puruse him, and hiding beneath the couch, Tinny discovers dozens of other toys who are too terrified to come out as they went through the same experience, until poor Billy falls flat on the hardwood floor, and starts crying.

            Tinny feels ashamed of himself, and decides he has to help no matter what. His antics succeed in cheering Billy up, to the point where Billy picks him up and shakes him violently before throwing him away. Once the toy has recovered from this ordeal, he is annoyed to see that Billy has forgotten about him and is now playing with the cardboard box and bag that he came out of.
             Billy walks off with the bag on his head, wandering around the room with Tinny following while the credits roll. And at the end of the credits, as Billy and Tinny walk out the door of the room, few other toys come out of hiding to run across the floor and follow Tinny and Billy.
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to watch full movie, visit :   Tin Toy (1988) trave Movie

Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 12 : Luxo Jr. (1986)

Luxo Jr. (1986)

  Two balanced-arm desk lamps, named Luxo Jr. (small) and Luxo Sr. (large), are playing with a small inflatable rubber ball. When Luxo Jr. tries balancing on it, the ball eventually deflates due to excessive jumping. As a result, he is later seen playing with a beach ball.

            But for something that came so early in Pixar’s existence, it’s remarkable how entertaining the short still is. Credit Lasseter’s understanding of how to instill inanimate objects with recognizableand adorablee motions. With just a few small tilts of their “heads,” the relationship between “parent lamp” and “child lamp” here is completely clear.

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to watch full movie , visit : Luxo Jr. (1986) by trave Movie 

Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 13 : Dug’s Special Mission (2009)

 Dug’s Special Mission (2009)

           First, Alpha assigns Dug to watch a large rock and make sure it doesn't move, because it is "the bird's favorite rock". Dug accidentally causes a pebble to roll down an incline and topple the large boulder, which nearly crushes Alpha, Beta and Gamma. He is then told to sit and wait in "the bird's favorite hole". After the three dogs leave him there, Dug starts sinking down the hole, as it is actually full of loose sand and gravel. He falls through it and ends up falling on top of the three dogs right as they are stalking Kevin.
    In pain and anger, Alpha vows revenge on Dug, and contacts Charles Muntz in his airship to report that Dug has caused them "to not capture the bird" and that he is a "bad dog". Dug, feeling dismayed, suddenly sees Muntz's Spirit of Adventure dirigible  in the sky. Fearful of Muntz and emotionally hurt, Dug runs off. Gamma and Beta talk to Dug by radio and comment on how he is "gonna get it now"; Beta sarcastically wishes Dug a "happy birthday". Sad and lonely, Dug runs off into a mist-laden rocky area. He sees a rock that resembles a turtle, followed by one that looks like a man. When he hears a voice saying "I see you back there", he asks if the man is okay. Dug then realizes that he has received his birthday wish: a new master (Carl Fredricksen). The clouds clear, the sun comes out and Dug sits proudly on a flat rock. From here the short comes full circle as it reflects the point when Dug is introduced in the film; Russell notices him and briefly thinks Dug is a rock.

        It’s hard not to love Dug, and hard not to want to see him do well, which makes most of this film more funny-sad than funny-ha-ha. But in the end, the one thing Dug gets right is the most important: being friendly to good people.  

 to watch full movie, visit : Pixar DUG'S Special Mission 2009 by trave movie
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Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 14 : Hawaiian Vacation (2011)

Hawaiian Vacation (2011) 

      Months after Toy Story 3, it is winter break for Bonnie, who is going on vacation to Hawaii with her family. The toys are excited to have a week of relaxation, but Barbie and Ken reveal themselves to have stowed away in Bonnie's backpack, hoping to join her in Hawaii. Bonnie leaves them in her room, however, much to Ken's horror and disappointment when he realizes they are not going to Hawaii. Barbie reveals to Woody that Ken planned to have their first kiss on a beach at sunset (based on a travel brochure), inspiring Woody, Buzz, and the rest of Bonnie's toys to go all out and recreate Hawaii for the two.  

       After various adventures in "Hawaii", Ken and Barbie share their first kiss in the snow at sunrise, recreating the scene from the brochure. However, the two step off the edge of the porch without realizing it and end up buried in snow; a post-credits scene shows the other toys trying to free them from a block of ice in which they are now frozen.
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 to watch full movie, visit : Hawaiian Vacation (2011) trave movie

Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 15 : La Luna (2011)

La Luna (2011)

             A young boy, Bambino, goes on a midnight sailing trip with his father Papà and grandfather Nonno. After they anchor their boat in the middle of the sea, Nonno presents Bambino with a cap similar to the ones he and Papà wear. The two men disagree on how Bambino should wear it, with Papà pulling it low over his eyes and Nonno pushing it back on his head. Papà sets up a long ladder for Bambino to climb so he can set the boat's anchor on the full moon, and the three ascend to start their work of sweeping fallen stars off the lunar surface.


        Papà urges Bambino to use a pushbroom on the stars, while Nonno favors a besom broom. As they quarrel, a huge star crashes down on the moon; it is far too large for any of them to move by themselves. Turning his cap backwards, the way he wants to wear it, Bambino climbs onto the star and taps it with a hammer. It bursts apart into hundreds of smaller stars, and all three go to work sweeping them to one side, with Bambino choosing a rake instead of either man's broom. Once the job is done, they climb back down into their boat and look up at the moon, which now displays a glowing crescent phase thanks to their efforts.
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to watch full movie, visit : La Luna (2011) by trave movie

Every Pixar Short Film, Ranked rank 16 : The Legend of Mor’du (2012)

The Legend of Mor’du (2012)

            The short begins with the witch inviting a guest into her cottage. Her crow assumes the guest wants the bear spell, so she tells the story of a man who became the demon bear Mor'du. The man had been the eldest of four sons of a king in an ancient kingdom, each of whom had his own gift. Of the younger three, the youngest was wise, the third was compassionate, and second was just. The king's eldest was strong, yet he mistook strength for character. When the king died one autumn, rather than giving the eldest all the inheritance, he divided the rule among all of his sons equally, believing their gifts combined would make the kingdom even greater. However, feeling disgraced and filled with greed and arrogance, the eldest son refused to accept this, proving his point in front of his brothers by using one of his axes to break an image of himself off of a stone tablet that depicted himself and his brothers on it, shattering the bonds of their brotherhood. His words turned to war, changing the kingdom's fate forever.

               Even though the prince's army was powerful, the war remained a stalemate. In looking for a way to change his fate, the prince came across a menhir ring within the woods. From there, the will-o'-the-wisps guided him to the edge of a loch, and the witch's cottage far from the shore. Hoping to turn the tide of the war to his favor, the prince persuaded the witch to make a spell to give him the strength of ten men by offering her his signet ring, and she gave him the spell in a drinking horn, but warns him of making a choice: either to fulfill his dark wish or heal the family bonds he had broken. When the prince brought his brothers before him by staging up a false truce, to their protests he drank the spell, which immediately gave him the strength tenfold but to his surprise, in the form of a great black bear.

              While he could have broken the spell by choosing to "mend the bond torn by pride", the prince accepted his new form instead and brought his brothers down, along with their armies. He then tried to get his army to rule the kingdom, but they saw him as a wild creature and turned against him. Enraged, he attacked his former men, slaying a great many of them. The survivors fled the kingdom in terror, leading to its collapse. Doomed to this bestial form by his desire for power over the bonds of family, the prince's human consciousness and intelligence were, over time, consumed by animalistic bloodlust. Now known by the name Mor'du, he wandered the land aimlessly, a savage beast mentally and physically, killing and instilling terror wherever he roamed.
The witch ends the story here, and she offers the spell in the form of a cake to the guest, who turns out to be Wee Dingwall. He panics, says he only stopped by for water, and runs out of the cottage.

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